
Thursday 25 January 2018


 1. The principle of relevance; internally that have relevance in the curriculum between the components of the curriculum (goals, materials, strategies, organization and evaluation). While externally that the components tersebutmemiliki relevance to the demands of science and technology (epistomologis relevance), demand and potential learners (psychological relevance) and the demands and needs of the community development (relevance sosilogis).
2. The principle of flexibility; in curriculum development effort that produced by nature flexible, supple and flexible in its implementation, allow for adjustments based on the situation and condition of the place and time is always growing, and the ability and background bekang learners.
3. The principle of continuity, namely the existence of kesinambungandalam curriculum, both vertically or horizontally. Learning experiences provided the curriculum should pay attention to sustainability, both inside the classroom level, between levels of education, as well as between levels of education with the type of work.
4. The principle of efficiency, ie see to it that can utilize in curriculum development time, cost, and other sources that there is an optimal, carefully and precisely so that the results adequately.
5. The principle of effectiveness; ie curriculum development activities seek to achieve goals without the wasteful activities, both in quality and quantity.
Related with Education Unit Level Curriculum development, there are some principles that must be met, namely:

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